Why Impact Resistant Window Film In Houston Is A Good Thing To Have

We live in a day and age when stronger and stronger storms are becoming the norm. Therefore we need to protect ourselves from these emerging dangers. Since climate change and its repercussions are a reality already today, commercial properties here in Houston and across the country must make provisions to get their buildings compliant with the latest codes. These standards are proven to increase the survivability after catastrophic natural events. One such standard is tempered or shatterproof glass. Here at Window Film Houston, we carry a number impact resistant window films, designed to get your Houston building up to code, lower glass-related injuries and limit UV exposure. Read further to understand how Impact-resistant window film on your Houston commercial space keeps you, your tenants and their employees safer in the event of natural disasters.

 Impact Resistant Window Film For Earthquakes/Seismic Events

Impact resistant Window film is an effective way to stay safer during seismic events. In some states, window film or similar measures are already part of required building codes. When an earthquake strikes, glass windows are put under a lot of stress which causes them to shatter, fall out and even explode. Since falling or exploding shards of glass are obviously extremely dangerous to occupants, pedestrians and property, Impact resistant window film, is a much-needed safety measure–especially in seismically active places.

 Impact Resistant Window Film  For Hurricanes And Tornados

As an owner or manager of a Houston commercial space, you can remain calm even during storms when you have impact resistant window film on your glass windows and doors. This amazing innovation will help protect against the repercussions of severe storms like flying glass, loss of life and damage to interiors. Your windows may shatter but the glass will stay in place after when treated with impact resistant window film and frames. This greatly reduces physical harm and destroyed property–saving the lives of those in your building and saving you money on extensive repairs.

 Impact Resistant Window Film For UV Protection

Although UV rays are not actually a “natural disaster” per say, they are an ever-increasing liability because of the rising intensity of UV rays. Window film, which blocks 99.9% of UV rays, is a good way to protect the eyes and skin of you, your workforce and tenants.

For more information on Impact-resistant window film for your Houston building contact us at Window Film Houston today for a free consultation!

Mike Kinsey is the Operations Manager for the largest and most successful window tinting company in the Houston area. Mike has been cultivating his knowledge of window film products for over 15 years and is familiar with top brands such as LLumar, C-Bond, Solyx, and Vista as well as the latest trends and innovations in security, privacy, and energy efficient technology. Since he started working in the industry, he has overseen the installation of over 250,000 square feet of film for residential and commercial buildings of all types. His impressive portfolio and years of experience make him one of the top professionals in the field and are backed by official certifications from 3M, EnerLogic, and AIA for continuing education.